Walton Violin Concerto Pdf Free
The Viola Concerto by was written in 1929 for the violist at the suggestion of Sir. The concerto carries the dedication 'To Christabel' (Christabel McLaren, Lady Aberconway). But Tertis rejected the manuscript, and composer and violist gave the first performance. The work was greeted with enthusiasm.
It brought Walton to the forefront of British classical music. In The Manchester Guardian, wrote, 'This young composer is a born genius' and said that it was tempting to call the concerto the best thing in recent music of any nationality.
Tertis soon changed his mind and took the work up. Walton and Hindemith's collaboration on the concerto engendered a close friendship that lasted until the latter's death in 1963. A performance by Tertis at a concert in in 1932 was the only occasion on which Walton met, whom he greatly admired. Elgar, however, did not share the general enthusiasm for Walton's concerto. Contents • • • • • • • • Structure [ ] Superficially, the work follows the standard three- format for a concerto. However, the tempo marks hint at some important differences: • Andante comodo • Vivo, con moto preciso • Allegro moderato Ordinarily, the first and third movements of a concerto are in fast tempi, while the second movement is slow.
Here, the first movement is on the slow side, and the second movement is unequivocally fast. In terms of character, the second movement is -like.
Few concerti include a scherzo, but Walton's Viola Concerto seems to have been modeled on 's, which Walton admired. Prokofiev's concerto also has a scherzo for its second movement as well as a relatively slow-moving first movement. Composition [ ] Walton composed his Viola Concerto at the suggestion of conductor for violist. Tertis had served as principal violist in Beecham's orchestra.
Beecham, however, had not heard any of Walton's music. Walton wrote in December 1928 that he was 'working hard' on the piece and in February 1929 that he had finished the second movement. He wrote that he considered the concerto potentially his finest work to date; whether this assessment would hold true, he added, depended on how the third movement turned out. He completed the work by the middle of 1929. Premiere and subsequent performances [ ] When Tertis received the manuscript for the concerto, he rejected the work as too modernistic for his taste.
As he later wrote in this autobiography, One work of which I did not give the first performance was Walton's masterly concerto. With shame and contrition I admit that when the composer offered me the first performance I declined it. I was unwell at the time; but what is also true is that I had not learnt to appreciate Walton's style. The innovations in his musical language, which now seem so logical and so truly in the mainstream of music, then struck me as far-fetched. — Lionel Tertis The composer was so disappointed by Tertis' refusal that he considered recasting the concerto for violin and orchestra. Conductor and BBC programme planner suggested German composer and violist Paul Hindemith as a substitute for Tertis. (Tertis also claimed to have suggested Hindemith when he declined the premiere, but Walton confirmed it was Clark's idea.
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