Converteam Dp System Manual

Converteam Dp System Manual


THESE RECORDS CAN HELPTO MORE EASLY HOWTO OPERATE MENTIONED EQUIPMENT. IF FOUND UNSATISFACTORY BEG FORGIVENESS. VictorTambelangi 3 • 4 The K- Pos DP • 5 Main DP Mode andOperating procedure. Detailed Project Report Solar Power Plant Pdf Creator here. Standby mode. • - Calibrate the joystick • - Select the required vessel rotation point. • - Enable all sensor • - Enable the required thruster, propeller and rudder. Returning to standby mode / manual lever.

Uad Cambridge Rapidshare Search. • - Press the standby button in the mode twice. • - Disable all position reference systems • - Disable all thruster, propeller and rudders.

Sep 29, 2009. These include an extensive dual redundant DP control system, manual thruster controls and power management/machinery alarm and automation systems. Together these form an integrated suite of systems which interface seamlessly with the Converteam power generation and propulsion equipment. Converteam's DP configuration has separate dual controllers with a back up system in an alternative location. In addition an independent joystick system, manual thruster control and vessel automation system and position reference system complete the Converteam supply to meet Bureau Veritas (BV) rules.

•  Joystick Mode. Moving the joystick forward / back controls. Moving the joystick left / right ( sway ) 3.

This is the Operator Course Guide by Kongsberg Simrad AD. The list of topics and short explanations as follows: HPR development - provides readers with short yet comprehensive introduction to the development of HPR systems and different applications for such systems; Hydro acoustics - sound in water - short intro to the.

Rotation the joystick command the vessel to rotate. Standby to joystick. Ensure that the required gyrocompasses are enabled. Ensure that the required sensor are enabled. Check if the has a switched or button to select be turn joystick and SDP thruster control. Ensure that the required thruster, propeller and rudder enabled. Press the joystick button in the mode.

Enable the required position reference also position and heading information 6 • JOYSTICK SETUP BUTTON 7 •  Mixed Joystick to Auto Mode. Select Jaw ( Heading control with joystick ) 2. Select surge – sway ( Auto position ) 3. Select jaw and surge ( Auto heading Automatic stabilisation) 4. Select jaw and sway ( Auto heading and Auto stabilisation )  Common Procedure Available. Joystick setting and environmental compensation 2. Thruster control mode 3.

ROT ( rate ofTurn )  Joystick mode with Automatic heading control.  Selecting automatic heading control 1. Bottesini Reverie Pdf Printer on this page.

Check that non of the status lamps for the surge, sway or jaw buttons in the modes button group are lit. Ensure that the required gyrocompasses are enabled 3. Press jaw button twice within four second. 8 •  Common Procedures available as for joystick mode plus, 1. Controller mode and gain level selection 2. Changing the heading set point 3.

Heading limit 4. Set ROT ( Rate OfTurn ) Returning to joystick heading control.  Press the jaw button in the mode button group twice.  Displaying the vessel in the view centre. Click “ Centre Here “ on the Posplot “ Pop-Up” menu 2. On the posplot “ Pop-Up” menu click “View Control “ and select – true, vessel on relative and vessel in the posplot dialog box mode. 9 •  Selecting automatic stabilization.

Ensure that the required gyrocompasses on enabled 2. Ensure that at least one position reference system in active and enabled 3. Press jaw, the current vessel heading becomes the heading set point and the system automatically keeps the vessel on this heading 4. Press surge or sway twice. Common Procedure Available. Controller mode and gain level selection 2. Changing the heading set point 3.

Position limit 4. Heading limit 5. Setting the vessel speed 6. Setting ROT ( Rate OfTurn ) 10 •  From Joystick mode to Auto position mode. Ensure that the required gyrocompasses are enabled 2. Ensure that at least one position reference system is active and enabled 3. Ensure that either high precision or relaxed is set on the selected controller mode in gain dialog box.

Press jaw twice ( allow the vessel to stabilize on it’s present heading ) 5. Hold the vessel as stationary as possible using joystick 6. Press the Auto Position button in the modes button group twice ( the status lamps for the auto position, surge, sway and jaw buttons are lit ) Warning: if green controller mode is desired, continue as follows; 1. Allow the vessel to stabilize in auto position mode for about 15 minutes to attain optimal performance in the green controller mode.

Select green controller mode with the required are set in the gain dialog box. The defined area as displayed in the posplot view the inner and outer area are indicated with dashed circle, with green shading on the inner area. The background of auto position in the status bar is shaded green. The gain symbol in the status bar is changed to a green shaded box indicating that green controller mode is active. Warning; No changing in position or heading should be attempted during the first five minutes after the auto position mode in order to allow the vessel model to stabilize.