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If you require your DD-214 promptly, you'll need to hire a private research company with researchers located at the various facilities where your DD-214 may be located. This will cut the time veterans have had in the past waiting for copies of their DD 214's and will be particularly helpful when they need a copy of their.
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Merchant Marine Records and Contact Information American Merchant Marine at War Records and Contact Information is NOT a government agency. We do not have your father's records. Read below how to get records for mariners and ships. We do have an extensive library with ship histories, information about sinkings, casualties, government documents and much, much, more. Merchant Marine Service Records including Voyage Discharges from U.S.
Coast Guard: Include Name, Date of Birth, copy of Death Certificate if deceased, Social Security number, Address, and Z or Service number. The Coast Guard has records to the early 1900's. Electronic request (preferrd) Commanding Officer USCG-National Maritime Center (NMC-41) ATTN: Correspondence Section 100 Forbes Drive Martinsburg, WV 25404 Service Records of mariner killed during World War II: Old Navy/Maritime Reference Archives I -Textual Services Branch National Archives and Records Administration 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20408 Service Records for U.S. Maritime Service, Military Sea Transportation Service, Military Sealift Command: National Personnel Records Center-Civilian Records Facility has personnel and medical records of former Federal civilian employees from approximately 1900 to the present. Your letter should include: Full name used during Federal employment Social Security Number Date of Birth Name(s) of Federal employing agency(s) Approximate dates of Federal employment, especially separation Please state in your letter the information you are seeking. Your request must contain the individual's or authorized representative's signature. National Personnel Record Center 111 Winnebago Blvd.
Louis, MO 63118 Service Records for Army Transport Service U.S. Army Human Resources Command ATTN: AHRC-PDR-V 1600 Spearhead Division Ave.
Fort Knox, KY 40122 Application for Merchant Marine Veteran Status DD214 Mariners in “ocean-going service” during World War II have Veteran Status. They may be entitled to a gravestone, flag for their coffin, and burial in a National Cemetery. Check with the Veterans Administration for medical and other benefits. Mariner or survivor should complete the following steps and mail to the proper address: • Complete Form DD2168. Supply as much information as possible. You can download Application here.