Tajima Serial Connection

Serial Connection

Programs A-Z. Find program websites, online videos and more for your favorite PBS shows. Tajima with Serial Port, Serial Cable: - Type Q (25 to 25 pin) - Type R (9-pin PC to 25-pin embroidery machine). Port=COM1/COM2 Protocol=Standard Serial Baud=9600. Parity=None Handshaking=Hardware. Tajima Multihead / Chenille, Tajima Parallel Connect Cable, Port=. Trying to connect via a serial cable to a Tajima TEHX-C1501. Does anyone know how to set up the serial cable connect via the software? Tajima TEHX-C1501 problem.

Parallel Connection

Repair Services for Industrial and Commercial Customers Forum about Industrial Electronic Repair Links Menu Get Repair Pricing Manufacture: Part #: Contact Menu Recent Units in for Repair Recent 30 of 14955 Units Forum for Industrial and Commercial Customers • Robert C.

Social & Political Issues in America: Resources in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley The following list is a sampling of some of the materials in MRC which deal with important social, political, and cultural issues in America. Consult MRC's for other titles of interest on these topics. Abortion and Reproductive Rights. SEE: See also Medical and Health Issues. SEE (includes works on aging, death and dying, biotechnology, medical ethics) Gender/Sexual Violence For works about domestic violence and pornography see ) For works about violence against gay/lesbian/transgender people, SEE Child Abuse - SEE Terrorism SEE Related Videographies: For Environmental Issues see: For Medical, Health Care, and Public Health Issues see: For Race and Ethnic Relations see: Affirmative Action. This event is organized by the Graduate Assembly, University of California, Berkeley. This event took place on February 2, 1986, at Booth Auditorium, Boalt Hall, University of California, Berkeley.

An exchange of views and a discussion on affirmative action between Charles Murray, Senior Research Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, New York, and Ronald Takaki, Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Video/C 1409 Affirmative Action Panel, UCB, 1995. Contents: The impact of affirmative action on the University of California, Berkeley (105 min.) -- Affirmative action: Where do we go from here? (45 min.) A program designed to educate and inform the University community and the general public about the past, present and future of affirmative action policy and its impact on the University of California, Berkeley.

Video/C 4266 Pt. 1-2 Affirmative Action: The History of an Idea Explores the historical roots of affimative action and the current debate over its usefulness. Looks at several different affirmative action programs including the Univ. Of California, Berkeley, the U.S. Army, federal aid to minority businesses, and affirmative action in the Chicago Police Dept.

Includes archival footage and features interviews with a wide array of academic scholars. Video/C 4999 Beyond Black and White: Affirmative Action in America All sides in the affirmative action debate say that they believe in the Constitutional right to equality regarding race, creed and sex, but they bring very different interpretations to what that means. A distinguished panel of experts discuss this issue.

Moderator: Charles J. Ogletree; panelists: Ward Connerly, Angela Walker, Ruth J. Simmons, Ann Coulter, Frank D. Company Of Heroes Opposing Fronts Serial Key. Riggs, Ann F. Lewis, Antonia Hernandez, Suzan Shown Harjo, Diane Chin, Robert L.

Woodson, Sr., Christopher Edley, Jr., Judge Jon O. Newman, John R.

Strangfeld, Tamar Jacoby, Lt. Video/C 7331 The Constitution--That Delicate Balance, Part 12: Affirmative Action versus Reverse Discrimination. Presents viewpoints of leaders from government, media and the legal profession on a hypothetical case regarding the application of affirmative action to a university faculty tenure decision. Video/C 6991 Legislating Morality: Affirmative Action and the Burden of History Explores whether affirmative action promotes racial balance, or fights discrimination of the past with reverse discrimination in the present. Featured in the program are Roy Innis, Chairman of the Congress on Racial Equality; Ward Connerly, Regent of the University of California and Charles Willie, professor of Education at Harvard. DVD 2141 Skin Deep.