How To Program An Nxt Segway
AnyWay with the dIMU. Today we look at, with the dIMU as the stabilizing sensor.
Getting the NXT Segway with Rider robot to balance. Then run the SegwayRemote program on the remote control NXT and the SegwayBT program on the Segway NXT. Feb 04, 2010 This is the 'NXT Segway with Rider' project for NXT 2.0 from nxtprograms. Navman Smartst Desktop 2005 For Pocket Pc. com. See free building instructions and programs at
This project uses the to stabilize itself and remain upright. The project takes less than 30 minutes to build and is one of the coolest things you can make with your Many of us have seen the balancing Segways, made of LEGO MINDSTORMS, on Youtube.
Now you can build one yourself. Has developed some easy-to-follow plans for assembling the AnyWay. He has also created some easy to modify programs for bulding the AnyWay with the.
The plans are very easy to follow and the complicated programming that balances the robot is already done for you! Prototype 2 Pc Game Rip Download more. With the dIMU, unlike other sensors, you need not calibrate before starting.
The AnyWay with the dIMU can be set straight up, and run. No calibration necessary. The plans can be found on his website here: • • The whole building and programming project takes less than 30 minutes. The best part is that the program is easy to modify: there are two examples where the balancing is taken care of, and the change in position or rotation is easily commanded. State Of Blood Henry Kyemba Pdf Writer there. We will show you a more advanced version of the AnyWay tomorrow. In the meantime, check out, build your own Segway, and. Oh, and check out the awesome videos below!
Last update: 10 November 2012 This tutorial will show you how to use and modify RobotC program code to create a working LEGO NXT Segway that you can customize as you like. Although you can use any type of LEGO NXT Segway with this code, I am assuming you will use the ‘Anyway’ platform. I recommend that you start here and modify your Segway only once you finish this tutorial — when you have a working Anyway Segway. RobotC or NXT-G? If you are not comfortable with RobotC or if you’re not sure what you’re doing, consider programming your Segway using the original LEGO NXT-G Software..
Otherwise, proceed to programming the Segway with RobotC. Quick start (if you don’t like to read) Just.
I’ve added comments to the programs that can replace this tutorial. You can always return here, if you like. Requirements and preparation: • (follow the instructions, then return here) • (any version will work) • Requires one of the following Gyroscopic Sensors. All sensors work equally well for this balancing application.
When buying one of these, choose one that’s also suited for your other projects. I am not affiliated with any of these vendors.
• • • • (Sensor firmware 1.051. To update, contact Mindsensors support) •, version 3.54 or higher (successfully tested with 3.54.) • If you are a new RobotC user, make sure you update the NXT firmware with RobotC • (Install as per instructions on that site!) • (Unzip all files in there to one folder on your computer) 2. Getting started: Balancing for the first time: Before moving on to more advanced programs, we’ll first configure and run a simple program that will make the Segway balance and just stay in the same place. • In RobotC, open “Segway-NoAction.c”. (This is in the folder you unzipped the downloaded archive to).
• Press F7 (Compile). Proceed to the next step if there are no errors. If this gives errors, this may indicate that you did not correctly follow the preparation steps.
• If you see (among other errors): **Severe*:Couldn’t open ‘#include’ file ‘drivers/DIMU-driver.h or MICC-driver.h, or similar, this means that the driver suite is not correctly installed.. • If you see (among other errors): **Severe*:Couldn’t open ‘#include’ file ‘segway-driver-lv.h, then the files in the zipped archive were not successfully unzipped to a single folder. Unzip again and retry.
• Now consider the following code fragment that you see in your example program: Configuring your Segway • You use one of the first four lines to tell the program which gyro sensor you have. Presently, this example is configured to work with the dIMU sensor from Dexter Industries. If you use the HiTechnic, Mindsensors or Microinifnity sensor, simply comment out the one from Dexter Industries and uncomment your sensor. • tSensors Gyro = S2; specifies which sensor port you connect your gyro sensor to. Plug your sensor cable into this port, or replace S2 by S1, S3 or S4.
• Use your_wheel_diameter to let your code account for the robot’s wheel diameter. The default is 42 mm for standard NXT 2.0 tyres. Use 56 mm for standard NXT 1.0 wheels. The large RCX tyres are 84 mm in diameter. • When you’re done, press F5 (Compile and Download Program). • Start the program on the NXT brick (Make sure your batteries are charged!). • If you configured the program to use the HiTechnic Gyro, follow the on-screen instructions • If you use the IMU from Dexter Industries or Mindsensors or the Microinfinity Cruizcore, just hold your Segway upright and start the program.