Epcs Serial Flash Controller Qsys

Qsys‎ >‎Qsys Components‎. EPCS/EPCQx1 Serial Flash Controller. Quartus 14.1まではEPCS/EPCQからのブートコピア起動用に使われていたIP. “Standard” Reference Design Block Diagram Ethernet MAC/PHY 1MB SRAM 8MB FLASH 16MB Compact FLASH 32MB SDRAM Nios II Processor Address (32) 32-Bit Nios II Processor Read Write Data In (32) Data Out (32) Tri-State Bridge Tri-State Bridge SDRAM Controller UART Internal RAM/ROM General Purpose.

Hi, I would like to use EPCS64 Device to store FPGA images and NIOS II software. For that purpose, in Qsys I add Altera Serial Flash Controller. My design complies with no problem and the image of the FPGA configuration is done with success using the programmer tool of Quartus. Then i used eclipse to develop my software part, But when i use the Flash Programmer to create an image of NIOS II.elf file and then load it in the EPCS64, i get error that says that CIF flash is not fond. I don't know if i used the correct Flash controller.

Serial Nand Flash

Could anyone help me about this issue? Ozon. Best regards.

Epcs Serial Flash Controller Qsys