Caffe Windows Install

Hello, im trying to install caffe on windows. Setps to reproduce: C: Projects >git clone C: Projects >cd caffe C: Projects caffe >git checkout windows:: Edit any of the options inside build_win.cmd to suit your needs C: Projects caffe >scripts build_win. Cmd my build_win config: msvs_version=12 with_ninja=0 cpu_only=0 CMAKE_CONFIG=Release CMAKE_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=0 BUILD_PYTHON=1 BUILD_PYTHON_LAYER=1 BUILD_MATLAB=0 PYTHON_EXE=python RUN_TESTS=0 RUN_LINT=0 RUN_INSTALL=1 also using cudnn,so i added '-DCUDNN_ROOT=D:/cuda ^' on cmake. After a while, the process completes, with tons of warning, but 0 errors. Download Sims 2 Censor Patch Cheat Codes there. So i tried 'C: Projects caffe >call build libraries prependpath. Cpu Components And Functions Pdf Merge there. Advan Vanbook A1n70t Driver Win7. bat' next, but nothing happened, it didnt set any env variables on my path.

Windows 10 Install